Friday, December 18, 2009


We took the boys to see Santa. Before leaving Connor said "Wait, we need to make cookies for Santa." I explained why we will do it Christmas Eve and he was fine with that. When we walked up Connor had the biggest smile on his face and said, "There's Santa!" and asked "Will Santa give me my presents now??" I told him how this was his chance to tell Santa what he wants so Santa can make sure to bring him those things on Christmas. So when it was our turn Connor climbed up on Santa's lap and told him everything he wanted with a huge smile on his face. "I want a dragon castle, tiger pillow pet and Thomas fix it." I placed Carter on Santa's lap and he just had this look the entire time like "Who is this guy?!?!" He didn't cry or get scared, so the visit was a success! I was very impressed with how great this Santa looked... made me believe!

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